Acaba de aparecer en mis seguimientos de sumarios RSS. Me llama la atención el comentario:
"I think the power switching technology (and affordability of that technology) has finally caught up to the advantages of linear supplies (low noise) and surpasses them by providing regulation", de ahí que haya abierto este hilo.
Hifiduino Hypex UCD-180HG and Connex SMPS300RE
Finally finished
updating the power supply for my Hypex UCD amps. Each amp module was upgraded from a linear, unregulated power supply to a switched, regulated power supply from Connexelectronic. Even with all the debate between linear vs switching supplies,
I think the power switching technology (and affordability of that technology) has finally caught up to the advantages of linear supplies (low noise) and surpasses them by providing regulation. Not to mention weight, size and efficiency.
There is also no excuse not to try because
Connex sells these modules under $60. Just the transformer for a linear supply of equivalent power would cost you more than that...