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Johnny Cash - programas radiofónicos de los 50s

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Johnny Cash - programas radiofónicos de los 50s Empty Johnny Cash - programas radiofónicos de los 50s

Mensaje  Scarletbegonias Mar 2 Jul 2024 - 10:47


Estos programas de radio con Johnny Cash son una pasada, los patrocinados por la US Army no tienen desperdicio..... He eliminado algunos anuncios (para una mayor "fluidez") pero he mantenido otros porque "son la salsa"......

Johnny y sus Tennessee Two están IMPRESIONANTES


1956-11-12  COuntry Style USA Radio
1956-XX-XX  Country Style USA Radio
1959-06-28  Guest Star Radio


These are vintage radio broadcast transcription discs (at times you can “hear” the vinyl which adds flavor). The sound quality is amazing.

Unknown lineage- per original seeds "I received these many years ago in a trade and transferred them from cassette." _ I have yet to find any good information on the transfer process

1956-11-12  Country Style USA Radio
1)   Country Style USA Intro       Mantenido
2)    Hey Porter
3)    I Walk The Line
4)    “Join The Reserve For Youth Training Program” spot     Eliminado
5)    Rock Island Line (Johnny says they haven’t recorded it yet)
6)    So Doggone Lonesome
7)    Country Style USA  Outro     Mantenido

1956-XX-XX  COuntry Style USA Radio

Cool    Country Style USA Intro     Eliminado
9)    Folsom Prison Blues
10)   Cry Cry Cry
11)   “Reserve For Youth Training Program” spot     Mantenido
12)   I Was There When It Happened
13)   Get Rhythm (“Our latest release on Sun”)*
14)   Country Style USA Outro     Eliminado

1959-06-28  Guest Star (best guess per
15)   Guest Star Intro       Mantenido
16)   Country Boy
17)   Chat w/ Johnny       Eliminado
18)   Don’t Take Your Guns To Town
19)   Johnny Cash “Buy Savings Bonds” spot       Mantenido
20)   Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
21)   Guest Star Outro      Mantenido

Country Style USA was a radio program syndicated by the US Army Band and Recruiting Services and broadcast as a recruiting tool for them.          

Produced by the U.S. Treasury Department in the 1940s and 1950s as a public service program, Guest Star features a different often top-name "guest star" (singer, actor, comedian) each week to promote the sales of savings bonds

previoulsy circulated with incorrect dates of 1958 & 1959. listening to talk n these and doing a bit of digging around determined to be earlier broadcast than originally circulated as

*13 . Get Rhythm " Our Latest Release on Sun" - recorded 1956
released as the B side of Walk The Line - April 2 1956

difficult to pin down an actual date on this - the website starts at episode 39 broadcast 07-05-1956 - these would have been recorded at least a couple weeks before broadcast - it is very possible that a May - June 1956 recording date is correct here since that would be correct time in regards to a latest release

1959-06-28  Guest Star best guess per

yes you will find these programs for sale online , however these programs were produced by the US Government originally and as such have fallen into the public domain

another music history detective project brought to you by Aikowolf - TTD 2015



Cantidad de envíos : 4092
Edad : 67
Localización : Haría - Lanzarote
Fecha de inscripción : 22/11/2010

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